Dear Customer:
We would like to use this announcement to assure you that we are committed to providing you with the highest quality products and services. Recently, we have noticed that ads similar to ours have appeared on some third-party platforms, and these ads even use materials from our website. We understand that this may cause some confusion, and remind our customers that if you want to purchase our products, please place an order through our official website or contact our customer service. Do not believe any other third party that falsely claims our company's brand website or individual.
So we hope to clarify a few things with this announcement.
First of all, please note that our products are only sold on the following 5 official websites:
1. Deeege North America official store (Chinese):
2. Deeege North America official mall (English):
3. Deeege UK & European official mall:
4. Deeege Australia official mall: (website upgrade)
We do not cooperate with any third-party platform to sell products, nor do we authorize any other company or individual to sell products elsewhere on our behalf. If you wish to purchase our products, we strongly recommend that you only purchase on our official website to ensure you get genuine products and complete after-sales support.
Furthermore, we would like to emphasize that our official website is the only official channel where we publish the latest product information, promotions and company news. If you want the most accurate and trustworthy information, be sure to look for it on our official website.
We are deeply sorry for any misunderstanding or confusion caused by third-party advertising or channels, and we will continue to take steps to ensure that your shopping experience on our official website is safe and enjoyable. If you have any concerns or questions, please feel free to contact our customer service team who will be happy to assist you.
Thank you for your understanding and trust. We look forward to providing you with better services.
Below are our customer support service contact details
Deeege limited & Deeege LTD
Mobile: (323) 657-7960 or (646) 348-0012
WeChat: deeege
LINE: deeege
WhatsApp:+1 3236577960